This class has been packed full of ideas and gems for me to take back to my classroom. From actual project ideas to medium techniques. We all have different ideas about what will work best in our own classroom.
What I wanted to touch on was Lauren's teaching style. There were several things that really stood out to me- even though she was injured for most of the week. Firstly, a genuine interest about each of our well-being. I truly believe that trust is a huge part of students being able to let their guard down and be able to start developing their own artistic process. Lauren does a great job creating a safe and supportive environment.
Secondly, Lauren set's high expectations. I find that I will dumb down or water down a project instead of really challenging my students. (For whatever reason) Instead of making my students work and be uncomfortable for a greater result. I'm looking forward to pushing my students a little further. :)
Lastly, Lauren spent substantial time with us individually. In a fifty minute period, it's hard to hit everybody in a class, but I think sitting down with students and spending quality time helps the student to feel valued and provides the teacher with opportunities to truly guide.
Thanks Lauren, for a great class. :)