For my project I am designing a 3 room gallery exhibition. The central theme of the exhibition is the Wheel of Life. What started out as an exploration of the significance of the circle evolved into the representational quality of the circle as it relates to both the spiritual and physical qualities of life. I envision the main room of the exhibition to be a combination of sculptures, installations and paintings dealing with the 8 spokes of the Wheel of Life, the 7 chakras centers and the symbolic meanings of their colors. Extending off of the main gallery are two more exhibition spaces. One space is all paintings dealing with various representations of the circle as it relates abstractly to the life cycle, spirituality, and the figure. The second exhibition space will hold photography relating to the circles found in nature and made by man as they relate to the cycle of life.
The images in this book are photos of my own art and photography and examples of the type of work I envision in this exhibition.